Hi, I’m Maria

Welcome! I’m delighted you’ve found me.

I’m a compassion based mindfulness teacher and facilitator of bespoke Mind-Care, Wellbeing, and Relational Being.

I’m also an intuitive flow artist, writer, and an active member of community spaces that cultivate deeper relational connections to self, others, and nature.

Take a look at my work journey

BE WELL & Present workshop Helsinki The Shortcut


I work with beautiful humans who are curious about tending more skilfully to the mind.

Right now, I’m working with

International women in Finland * Entrepreneurs * Ex-military personal * Eco-aware individuals and groups * Health & social care professionals

Work with me…

Explore ways to cultivate a more joyful and easeful life.


Train in Compassion based mindfulness and tend to your mind


Join a mind care introduction, workshop or course, online or in-person


Recieve personal guidance and 1:1 practice support


Request supervision for your mindfulness based practice

BE WELL & Connect. Relational Being.

Practice listening to your innate wisdom.


Explore flow art in drawing, sculpting, & working with natural materials


Request 1:1 practice support


Join a guided online flow art event space


See more flow art on Facebook & instagram Prints for sale by request

Ways to Be Well

Home working. Stair ‘crazy’ movement practice

In all I do, one thread runs through.

Ways to BE WELL

I’m deeply curious about taking better care of the mind, so we may experience more moments of ease, and joy.

There are ways that you, me, and we, can live life with more ease. Experience a life WELL lived.

Time to reflect and integrate – on and with water

Mindfulness – Compassion – Flow


Mindfulness offers a kinder way of being with the mind. It enhances mind & body health, and supports a more present, joyful, and resilient life. Being present to the beauty and aliveness of simply being.


It’s not always easy navigating our experience. Remembering to turn to self, and others, with compassion makes everything more possible. Befriending who you are so you may live and love more fully, and learn to choose what you value most.


YOU know best. You are the expert of your experience. Connecting, listening and learning how to trust in your sense of innate knowing is an incredible skill. Creatively connecting in an embodied way with flow states, helps to more confidently BE the expert of your unfolding experience.


Here’s what some of the beautiful beings I’ve worked with think about my courses, workshops and 1:1 journeys.

Read more recommendations over here